Jupiter Corporation

Jupiter Corporation is founded in early 1992 was concerned about the rising cost of fossil fuel and environmental issues inherent with the operation of furnaces. They envisioned the use of oxygen instead of air for combustion in the natural gas electricity. Internal research developed a break-through technology – the Oxy-Fuel Technology – which greatly benefited the companythrough:
- Increased process efficiency and reduced costs: compared with traditional air-fossil fuel methods, the company saw an average 73% reduction in fuel usage.
- Remarkable environmental results: since ambient air is excluded, there is a virtual elimination of NOx in the exit gases as well as a significant reduction in other greenhouse gases, except for CO2 which is highly concentrated in the flue gas – making capture easy and therefore far less expensive.
This technology has been used successfully in commercial operations since 1997.
Now Jupiter Corporation is a reputed organization delivering services in the field of Regulatory, Assaying, Acquisition, Auction & Monetization services. We are also promoting inter-country collaboration and focusing to maintain forefront position in our field by creating next generation breakthroughs. Our business policies are strategically partnered with leading international companies, research organizations for Super Antiques, bidders, investors, financial institutions, & world top rated banks.

The company’s first initiative is the provision of independent, centralized separation facilities for the full suite of rare-earth elements (REEs). Jupiter Corporation will form a Consortium consisting of producers, end-use consumers, traders and government stockpile programs, to allow all parties to take advantage of low-cost tolling programs, and the security of supply that results from guaranteed production capacities.
Jupiter Corporation is also working on two new trading platforms; the first is a rare-earths exchange for spot transactions, with fulfillment via physical delivery. The second is a proprietary auction platform for commodities, which will be used to provide transparent, guaranteed contract prices for the rare-earth products that will be processed via the centralized separation facilities. The bid / offer data from each auction will be shared with all participants, leading to true price discovery for these materials.
Jupiter Corporationrevenues will come from two primary sources – modest tolling fees for the separation of rare-earth concentrates, and marketing fees for materials sold through the Exchange and Auction platforms. In addition, Jupiter Corporationwill fund extensive R & D programs using the strong operating cash flows of the separation facilities. Due to the stable nature of such cash flows, it is expected that a significant majority of the separation capacity will be funded through consumer-financed debt facilities, and equity holders can potentially benefit from a high return on equity.
While there is an element of valuable intellectual property behind the use of solvent extraction to separate REEs, it is by no means a barrier to entry for others. Jupiter Corporation intends to build its business by winning customers and clients one by one, while ensuring that the company provides total transparency in its value-added services. Jupiter Corporation has recently concluded a small Seed Round for investors. It is ultimately the company’s intent to go public; a time frame for doing so will be established once the various development programs have been significantly advanced, to ensure the best use of capital. While Jupiter Corporation’s strategy eventually calls for significant capital expenditures, as the company works towards executing its strategy it will continue to initiate and to build relationships with capital providers and is open to discussion on strategic partnerships.